ASsalamoalikum every one ramazan mubarak a person hving small pox he is nt able to fast ....can he or she pray or not and above all what he can do to benefit from this holy month of ramazan
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small pox
small pox
میں نےجو کیا وہ برا کیا،میں نے خود کو خود ہی تباہ کیا
جو تجھے پسند ہو میرے رب،مجھے اس ادا کی تلاش ہے
Walakkum Salaam sis
Though the message is incomplete but one can understand the meaning.
In Ramazan Mubarak month,
if a person is not able to fast or pray, it is because of his/her illness. He/She could always do the fasting after when he/she gets o.k.
The best thing to do to get benefit from this Barkath wala Ramzan is Zikr/Dhikr by reciting Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala names and Astagfar, ask for His mugfiratth of our sins in the past, big and small
Har pal har lehma Isika naam luh aur Isika zikr karthay rahu. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'la beshak Bahoot hi Raham karney wala hai.
Is ki Rahamath se mayus huna kufr bhi hai.
Isi par Imaan rakhu and Isi se mangu
Agar dawalath chaho tu manglu , Magfirat chaho tu manglu, duniay chaho tu manglu deen chaho tu manglu.
Allah hi Khaderul Mathalaq hai
Allah ham sab ko iski taufik deh
Ameen Summa AmeenLast edited by Hassan1953; 07-25-2013, 09:23 AM.sigpic
jazakAllah brotherمیں نےجو کیا وہ برا کیا،میں نے خود کو خود ہی تباہ کیا
جو تجھے پسند ہو میرے رب،مجھے اس ادا کی تلاش ہے