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Please Pray for My Father
Please Pray for My Father
brothers and sisters May Allah bless you all with best of health comforts and peace and blessings in this life as well as in hereafter. My Father is undergoing Heart Bypass operation in next week all of you are requested to plzzz pray for long life and successful operation of my Father.plzz dont forget. A very humble requestof ur sister
ایک ھوں مسلم حرم کی پاسبانی کے لیے
نیل کے سا حل سے لے کرتابخاکِ کاشغرTags: allah, assalam, attached, back, bear, bless, blessing, blessings, brothers, courage, duas, father, forget, give, heal, health, healthy, hear, heart, humble, kids, life, lives, long, love, operation, parents, peace, pray, prayers, sis, sister, sisters, start, strength, subha, subhanwataala, successful, week, wishes, worst
walikumsalaam sister
things in the life are never normal
seeing our parents in such situations are the worst things for the kids
as we are very attached with them they have been with us in all the thick and thins of our lives
may the blessing of Allah subhanwataala be with your father and may Allah give him strength to bear this big hurdle of life
and pass it with courage and strength
insha Allah things will be back to normal
lots of wishes ,prayers and love for your father
may he live healthy lifeمیں نےجو کیا وہ برا کیا،میں نے خود کو خود ہی تباہ کیا
جو تجھے پسند ہو میرے رب،مجھے اس ادا کی تلاش ہے
The Five Pillars of Islam (arkān-al-Islām أركان الإسلام; also arkān ad-dīn أركان الدين "pillars of the religion") are five basic acts in Islam.
The Qur'an presents them as a framework for worship and a sign of commitment to the faith. They are (1) the shahada (creed), (2) daily prayers (salat), (3) fasting during Ramadan (sawm), (4) almsgiving (zakāt), and (5) the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime.
Thanks alot Brother.
Doctors has told my father has risk in Bypass his case is complicated so they had delayed the operation till eid. He will have operation after Eid and i request my all forum brothers and sisters to pray for Him.sigpic
ایک ھوں مسلم حرم کی پاسبانی کے لیے
نیل کے سا حل سے لے کرتابخاکِ کاشغر
dats superb may Allah subhanwatalla give him health and a fresh start
seeing parents around us is blessingمیں نےجو کیا وہ برا کیا،میں نے خود کو خود ہی تباہ کیا
جو تجھے پسند ہو میرے رب،مجھے اس ادا کی تلاش ہے