Sahih Bukhari, the application for Android and iOS users which provides you authentic hadith of Holy Prophet Muhammad (
) collected by Imam Bukhari (R.A).The app has ability to store a list of your favorite hadith so you can easily review and share them later. Sahih Bukhari in English provides an ease of searching hadith to check for authenticity of hadith from any book. The app made life easy with its “Hadith of the Day” feature which gives you daily hadith in your notification section with remainder so you don’t forget to read hadith. To download this application I provide you the links which are given below:
Following are the main features of the application:

Following are the main features of the application:
- A complete series of Sahih Bukhari book are listed in the application.
- A Brief introduction about Sahih Bukhari hadith collection is given in the application.
- You may search for any hadith by just adding a word or a phrase.
- Easy bookmarking facility is provided so you may make your own list of hadith.
- User may share any hadith to social accounts like facebook and twitter etc.
- Instructions are given in the application to guide you about how to use the application.
- You may also share this application with others via email.