Eaalim Academy presents:
"Life of Umar ibn Al Khattab”
(No Recording Access in eCampus)

Eaalim Academy invites you to its Free Online Event ‘Life of Umar ibn Al Khattab’ with the prominent speaker:
Shaykh Sulaiman Ghani (Graduate of the Islamic University of Madeenah, KSA)
Click here for his Eaalim Academy Web Page
During this FREE event you will also have 30 mins question and answers with the Shaykh related to the topic Life of Umar ibn Al Khattab
Event Title: Life of Umar ibn Al Khattab
The second caliph of Islam, Umar ibn al-Khattab faced more struggles than any other Muslim leader in the early onset of Islam. His life began in a time of ignorance and ended during the Golden Age of Islam. Under his leadership, the Muslim world was witnessing some of its most notable conquests in the history of Islam. The strength and resilience of Islam’s leaders were being tested, and ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab’s true commitment to Allah shone to reveal an Islamic spirit unlike that found in any other Muslim leader. The standards by which he lived can teach us a lot about determination, hardship, and success. This lecture will be in English by Shaykh Sulaiman Ghani. For those who would be leaders, this lecture offers the model of an ideal Muslim leader, one who felt responsible before Allah for the well being of all those under his rule, including his troops, women, infants, non-Muslim subjects and even animals. ‘Umar was a hands on' leader who kept himself informed and consulted scholars and experts before every major decision. For the rest of us, this lecture offers a window into an exciting and important period of Islamic history, and it also reminds of an important lesson, that our strength comes not from wealth or money or status, but from our submission to Allah and our commitment to the path of Islam.
Date: Monday, 24th Feb 2014
Time: 7.00 PM - 8.00 PM (UK time)
Sat, 8.00 PM Europe
Sat, 2.00 PM New York
Tues, 6 AM Sydney
Venue: Eaalim virtual classroom
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Jazakallahu Khair,
Don't forget to forward this email to your friends and family insha Allah!
"Whoever invites to good will get the reward of that good action" (Sahih Muslim)
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