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CA Sacred Path Retreat MALAYSIA (open to all worldwide)
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������Cordoba Academy������
is privileged to announce
it's 2nd international
Sacred Path Retreat
Malaysia 2015
������December 25 - January 2
(Xmas vacation period)
������ HURRY
Only a few places left

This exclusive 9 day retreat
offers you the wonderful
chance to combine
intensive study in the
company of classical
scholarship and wholesome
leisure in a truly life
changing experience.

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With the following teachers from around the world:

������Sh Hasan Mohammed
������Specialises in Yemeni &
classical Shafi works.

������Sh al-Sharif Hasan ibn
Ali al-Kittani
������Specialises in Maghribi &
classical Maliki works.

������Sh Mohammed Daniel
al-Muhajir al-Dimishqi
������Specialises in Hadith &
Seerah works.

������Sh Um Ibrahim
������Specialises in Hanafi &
womens' related issues.

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������Courses Taught

������40 Hadith on the Shama'il (Sublime Qualities) of the Prophet ﷺ

������Bustan al-Arifeen (Garden of the Gnostics) of Imam al-Nawawi

������Ayyuhal Walad (O Beloved Son) of Imam al-Ghazali

������Gharami Saheeh/Bayquniyyah/Tazkira in Hadith Nomenclature

������Readings with senior scholars for purposes of sanad acquisition.

⚡Musalsalaat of Shah Waliullah al-Dehlawi (40+ Musalsal narrations) With a hidden gem student of Shaikh Mohammed Zakariyyah al-Kandhlawi (RA) in Perak State of Malaysia.

⚡Awa'il al-Sunbuliyah of Imam Mohammed Saeed Sunbul with a hidden gem scholar student of Musnid al Asr Mohammed Yasin al-Fadani (RA) in Kedah State of Malaysia.

⚡Mukhtasar Seerah of Imam Abdul Ghani al-Maqdisi (HA) with hidden gem in Selangor State of Malaysia.

⚡Thulathiyaat from the canonical works of Hadith.

⚡Juz al-Shaykhaat al-Sitta
(Six female scholar's Hadith Collection)

������We will also be having at least one elderly scholar join us for the rihla and students will be able to benefit from his presence.

������RETREAT FEE������
(all inclusive)

������ $1249
������ €1165
������ £825

������Scholarships available to all students. No one will be turned away

������Flyer & Teacher bios

������Retreat FAQs

������Admission Form

������ For enquiries or to join email us directly on cordobaacademy@gmail.com

������ https://twitter.com/cordoba_academy
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