I pray that you and your family are in the best of health and Iman.
I am writing to you on behalf of Cordoba Academy for Classical Islamic Sciences. We are an online based academy working to serve the Muslim communities all over the world - helping to make the Sacred Sciences easily accessible to everyone. Our main focus is on revitalizing the Prophetic tradition of imparting knowledge through the Isnaad system, connecting our students and ourselves back to the great classical scholars of our Ummah such as Imam an-Nawawi, Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani and Imam al-Ghazali among many others.
Though we have had several on-the-ground programs in many places, including Holland, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia - we are launching our first annual international retreat this year. This year our retreat - the Sacred Path Retreat - will take place in Morocco inshaAllah.
We are trying to establish a scholarship fund for our students, to assist them in attending this retreat. We are aiming to raise at least $10,000 in order to be able to send 5-10 of our students.
This is a very worth-while cause and not only does it benefit us and our students - it benefits you. Not only will you be earning reward with Allah, which is far better than anything we could possibly offer. We too offer benefits, some of which are mentioned on the link - and a special offer to you - if you make a donation of $500 or more, we will post a link to your business on our website, blog, forum and give you a shout-out on our Twitter account.
Here is the link to our donation page for easy donations:
Sacred Path Sponsorship Fund by Cordoba Academy - GoFundMe
JazakhAllahu Kheyr. We look forward to hearing from you and posting your link to our website.
If you are interested in the retreat and/or the scholarship, send an email to cordobaacademy@gmail.com and/or cordobahelp@gmail.com
CA Team
Cordoba Academy for the Classical Islamic Sciences