As-salaamualaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Inshaallaah an online class is going to be conducted in which inshaallaah Hadiths and Quranic Verses (only translation) will be read in this class. Inshaallaah Hadiths will be read for only half an hour (30 mins) from a book of collection of Sahih Hadith called ' Muntakhab Ahadith ' compiled by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf Kandhalvi (Rahmatullahalaih) (His Biography). Inshaallaah The class will start sharp at 9PM IST and Inshaallaah I'll start reading Hadith after 10 mins from the starting time of the Class (9PM IST) giving time to students for wazu if they haven't done it and for if more people are joining the class they can hear it from the start. But be punctual. Inshaallaah, I will also be in the class on time. Newly reverted Muslims and All Muslims are preferable. Please try and be in the state of Wazu (ablution) before listening. Please try & join so that Inshaallaah we'll get to know little more about Islam. This class is to know more about Islam and why we should implement. Try & Invite your friends too if possible. If you have friends on Facebook or on Wiziq then it'll be easier for you to invite them at once. Inshaallaah if any one starts implementing on the Hadiths which is being read in the class then inshaallaah that person will surely get the reward but inshaallaah the one who invited that person will also get the same reward. So, if possible invite as many Muslims (consider Reverted Muslims Specially) as possible. Please supplicate(pray) for all of the Muslims Hidayat, cause after all Hidayat is in the hands of ALLAH Subhaanawa Ta'aala. Jazaakallah khair for taking your precious time in reading.
Inshaallaah Such Classes will be conducted everyday.
For more information on the classes please visit the below links
Class on 17th January,2011
Class on 18th January,2011
Class on 19th January,2011
Class on 20th January,2011
Class on 21th January,2011
Class on 22th January,2011
Class on 23th January,2011
And for future class please visit this Profile and check under " Upcoming Classes by Abdul ".And if you've missed any class or would like to watch previous classes then you can watch under " Recorded classes by Abdul " on the same Profile Page.
Inshaallaah an online class is going to be conducted in which inshaallaah Hadiths and Quranic Verses (only translation) will be read in this class. Inshaallaah Hadiths will be read for only half an hour (30 mins) from a book of collection of Sahih Hadith called ' Muntakhab Ahadith ' compiled by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf Kandhalvi (Rahmatullahalaih) (His Biography). Inshaallaah The class will start sharp at 9PM IST and Inshaallaah I'll start reading Hadith after 10 mins from the starting time of the Class (9PM IST) giving time to students for wazu if they haven't done it and for if more people are joining the class they can hear it from the start. But be punctual. Inshaallaah, I will also be in the class on time. Newly reverted Muslims and All Muslims are preferable. Please try and be in the state of Wazu (ablution) before listening. Please try & join so that Inshaallaah we'll get to know little more about Islam. This class is to know more about Islam and why we should implement. Try & Invite your friends too if possible. If you have friends on Facebook or on Wiziq then it'll be easier for you to invite them at once. Inshaallaah if any one starts implementing on the Hadiths which is being read in the class then inshaallaah that person will surely get the reward but inshaallaah the one who invited that person will also get the same reward. So, if possible invite as many Muslims (consider Reverted Muslims Specially) as possible. Please supplicate(pray) for all of the Muslims Hidayat, cause after all Hidayat is in the hands of ALLAH Subhaanawa Ta'aala. Jazaakallah khair for taking your precious time in reading.
Inshaallaah Such Classes will be conducted everyday.
For more information on the classes please visit the below links
Class on 17th January,2011
Class on 18th January,2011
Class on 19th January,2011
Class on 20th January,2011
Class on 21th January,2011
Class on 22th January,2011
Class on 23th January,2011
And for future class please visit this Profile and check under " Upcoming Classes by Abdul ".And if you've missed any class or would like to watch previous classes then you can watch under " Recorded classes by Abdul " on the same Profile Page.