As-Salaam alaikum,
It is my pleasure to invite your attention to these apt golden sayings, for the wisdom contained therein:--
(1) "To be a Sufi is to give up all worries and there is no worse worry than yourself (Nafs). When you
are occupied with yourself, you are separated from Allah. The way to Allah is but one step: the
step out of your self." (Sa'id Ibn Abi-l-Khayr)
(2) "The poor man is not he whose hand is empty of provisions, but he whose nature is
empty of desires." (Hujwiri)
(3) "The truth of faith (Imaan) does not reach a man who does not possess 4 qualities:--
performance of compulsory duties along with Sunnat; carefulness in eating (eat halal
and avoid haram); giving up the prohibited things openly and secretly; and observing
those rules with patience until death." (Sahl Ibn Abdullah al-Tustari)
(4) "He who likes that the signs of Siddiq (the truthful) should be opened for him, should not
eat except lawful things and should not follow except the way of the Prophet, Sallallahu
alaihi Wasallam." (Sahl Ibn Abdullah al-Tustari)